
Book Review: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
Reviews by Alexa, Arwa, and Amy

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ALEXA SAYS: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks is by far my favorite of E. Lockhart's novels. She takes the typical "invisible girl" and turns her into an ever-opinonated It-Girl, but there's a catch and a secret. the only reason people are noticing Frankie is because her new killer figure has gotten her the status of Matthew Livingston's girlfriend. And the secret...well there's a reason it's a secret. The Disreputable History is full of twists and turns where a too-curious girl becomes too informed for her own good. How does Frankie fare on her own at the infamous Alabaster Prep School? You'll have to find out! I recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys a little mischief now and then or anyone who has ever read a novel by E. Lockhart and liked it.

ARWA SAYS: This was a great piece of fiction, very "thick" in its plot. I liked it a lot. The end was rather abrupt for me (since I'm a romantic and love happy endings. I would have liked it she had gone with Alpha. I wanted her to go with him the whole time...), but it gave some closure saying that she was waiting for that special someone. I also think it would give hope to those girls out there and tell them not to pick guys who objectify them or think they are stupid.

AMY SAYS: There were some things I liked and some things I didn't like about The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks. The first half of the story was a little slow, but occasionaly I found some enjoyable things. I liked how Frankie used neglected positives, such as saying "gruntled" as an antonym for "disgruntled." At about the middle of the novel was when the story picked up, and boy did it take off! Frankie really took matters into her own hands. Despite the slow parts, I really enjoyed this story. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to read about a girl who takes charge in a male society.

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