
You're Not Hardcore Unless You Live Hardcore

Today was the first of four music-themed programs celebrating this year's Teen Read Week theme, Books with Beat.  Eleven people showed up after school to watch School of Rock, and we made punk rock safety pin bracelets and some duct tape creations.  Most people had seen the movie multiple times, so we all enjoyed reciting our favorite parts.  And the projects all turned out really well!  I would definitely make another safety pin bracelet. 

If you missed it, the bracelets will reappear at Craft Closet Cleanout in December.  If you want to try it at home, here are a few good patterns to look at:
Tips to remember:
  • Glue the heads of the safety pins shut.
  • Alternate the direction of the pins as you thread them.
  • You can use fewer safety pins if you put spacer beads between them as you string the bracelet.
  • Put clear nail polish on the knots when you tie off the bracelet.

Two completed bracelets

Duct tape randomness

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