
Scary Stories with Vicky Town

Last Friday, 34 people showed up to hear Vicky Town tell scary stories! Vicky used to be a local storyteller and actress, until she moved out of the area. She loves to come back, though, so we still get her to do programs. The last time we had her do scary stories for teens was in 2004, which means it was definitely time to do it again, even though it didn't really fit in with the summer theme.

Vicky created a chilling atmosphere with her three unusual tales of ghosts, werewolves, witches, and vampires. My favorite story was the first one, about a family who moves into a home, only to find that a body in the basement is searching for justice. Some people were really scared, while others were extremely brave, but everyone paid attention because Vicky is a great storyteller. I fed everyone a bowl of "fruit salad," which was a watermelon cupcake and some fruit-flavored jellybeans. It was more cute than scary, but still fun.

Thanks for coming to visit us, Vicky!!

Our group picture

The fruit salad

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