
Great books with terrible covers!

The Oxford Public Library teen blog has a great display up featuring great books that have horrible covers. What a great idea! Here's a look at their display from their blog:

Just looking at their display, I will totally agree that the cover for Going Bovine is probably not helping it fly off the shelves, though I've read enough about the book to know that it's supposed to be a really good title! I know that I totally judge a book by its cover, so this is a pretty important topic! Those in my book clubs know that I like to look at covers from other editions and compare. What titles have you read that you thought were great but had really bad covers? Off the top of my head, I can think of Across the Universe, which when I first picked it up for book club I was not sure what to expect, but it pulled me in almost immediately!

It's more exciting than two people kissing in space, I swear!!

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