
Donate Your Partially Used Gift Cards!

From now through January 31, the Teen Advisory Board is collecting donations of partially used gift cards. You know how you buy stuff with a gift card, have like $1.33 left, and never go back and use it? We'll take it! Get your family members to clean out their wallets and donate those leftover cards to support the Sellers Library's 2010 summer reading program.

Here's how it works:
  1. Put the card(s) in an envelope at the library.
  2. Fill out the donation form if you want a tax-deductible receipt.
  3. Give it to a staff member at the children's or adult circulation desk.
  4. We will look up the value of each card online and send a receipt, if requested.
  5. We will use the cards to help purchase supplies and prizes for the 2010 Summer Reading Program.

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