
Book Review: Big Fat Manifesto

Big Fat Manifesto by Susan Vaught

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Jamie Carcaterra has a boyfriend, two best friends, pretty good grades, and a lead role in the school's production of The Wiz. Normal high school stuff, except for one thing: she is fat. Jamie is not just a size 12 suffering the injustices of social sniping. She is a large and proud 4x, bent on revealing her life and thoughts to the world through her newspaper column, Fat Girl Manifesto, and winning the National Feature Award to help with college expenses. This book is packed with humor, like when Fat Girl and her friends ambush a trendy mall store that only stocks small sizes. But Fat Girl also uses her column to reveal her innermost thoughts, especially as her boyfriend, dubbed Fat Boy, goes through bariatric surgery. Filled with social and romantic struggles that are universal, this book is appealing to people of any size. Plus, it should be especially interesting to you all at UDHS since you're doing The Wiz this year!


Anonymous said...

Can I ask, from half a world away - is the high school depicted a realistic american high school? Do you really spend school days dressing up for photo shoots for yearbooks, have tv channels and newspapers? And I found the characters soooo politically correct - an hispanic lesbian, NoNo with her depression and a million causes, poor little rich boy Heath. Wouldn't they get wickedly bullied?
I'm just interested?!
Michelle, Children's and Teens Librarian, Tauranga City, New Zealand

Anonymous said...

This is a bit late but the HS seniors do take pictures towards the end of the year. I helped run the tv show for two years in middle school. We have a newspaper that comes out bi-weekly.

Not everyone gets bullied for being a lesbian, being rich, or having a million causes, or even for being fat. So yeah, it could be real.