
Newsflash ... I Exist

For anyone that has followed our blog and noticed that I never did anything until now you get a cookie. I am here to give opinions on new things. Books, Manga, Music, Video Games, Martial Arts styles, your haircut, things I found on the Internet, and many many more. To begin I would like to say that I also take suggestions on what to review, so if you want my opinion on something just let me know.

Anyway, I will start by reviewing something that none of you have heard of, my favorite game, Tales of Vesperia. This game is a rpg for the 360 from Namco Bandai. The basic story is that the game's world has become so dependent on ancient technology called blastia that most people live inside their towns for their entire lives under a barrier blastia that protects them from monsters. Imagine that for a second, you need to stay in your hometown for your entire life. No vacation, no Internet, only maps to tell you where places are. Because of this there are parts of the world that no one has explored. Now even if you like your home town, which isn't a bad thing, let's look at it from a different perspective. Imagine if a disease was unleashed in a town with a barrier. That would wipe out the entire town. Luckily for the plot the main character's home town is not visited often.

The main character's name is Yuri Lowell, he is pretty much what you get when you mix the tendency to get bored of Ryuk from Death Note, the hair and fashion sense of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy Seven, and the main characterness that you expect from the main character of a Tales rpg. Now Yuri somehow manages to save a princess, escape his city, and start the main plot in less than half an hours playing time. In a little more time you will meet Karol, a kid from the hunting blades guild, and Rita Mordio,the genius 15 year old mage that has no social life. There are a few more characters but I don't want to ruin everything for you in case you buy it. The characters are brought to life in a way that makes it almost impossible to hate them. I didn't like Karol after Rita came in but by the end of the game it was imposable for me to hate him. These characters are voiced by actors from various anime and games. For example Troy Baker, the voice of Yuri Lowell, also voices Pain from Naruto and Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy Thirteen. Many other characters have famous voice actors also but there isn't enougth time to go into that now.

The music is great. I have very little to say about it though as it is just that good. Think Final Fantasy's greatest hits and you will get the picture. But what I like you may not. The opening song is Ring a Bell by the Japanese singer Bonnie Pink. The song is in English however.

Then there are bonuses. The many titles you can earn, the many costumes you can dress the main cast in, and the skit system are awesome. Skits are like fully voiced cutscenes except they are optional. There's a link for a skit so you can see one for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv932YhU8yc

Basically Vesperia is a good game that should be owned by any rpg fan. There are so many more things I want to say but I won't because you should experience them for yourself. That is my review of Tales of Vesperia for the 360. Good Bye.

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