
Dancing Their Fines Away

Only seven teens dropped in today for Dance Away Your Fines, but the good thing was that they all got a lot of time on Dance Dance Revolution. I played two dancers at a time for the entire two hours and it tired me out! As everyone arrived, they filled out a card and got the desk staff to record their fines. Then they came up to play DDR. Every time someone beat me (or came close), I punched a hole in their card showing that $1 had been removed from the fine.

Altogether, the teens paid off $35 in library fines! I wish more people had taken advantage of this, but it was great for the teens who were there. Jared paid off the most, taking care of a $12 debt with some sweat equity! Also, thanks to Kaitlyn and Nitha for teaching Nehimya how to play DDR and helping him do well enough to pay down his fines.

We'll do another fun fine reduction day sometime in the future, so let me know if you have any great ideas.

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