
It's Computer Science Education Week!

This week is Computer Science Education Week! Challenge yourself at some point this week to write an Hour of Code, even if you've never done it before! I'll be posting some links to stuff for beginners to try their hand at coding, so check back soon! If you do any coding this week, tell us about it!

Code.org has lots of great tutorials for beginners looking to try their hand at coding! The link below lets you create a Flappy Bird clone! This lets you move simple blocks of code around to change how the game plays on the fly over ten different steps. You can eventually change things like speed, sound effects, graphics and the score system, then share it online! A great challenge for beginners! (The site is getting slammed right now though, so you may need to reload a couple times!)

Below is another challenge for the Hour of Code! This one uses the same snap together blocks of code that the Flappy Bird clone does, but in this challenge you made designs in ice by directing Elsa and Anna from Frozen.This is another challenge aimed at beginners. Once again, the code.org site is still getting slammed so loading may take a while right now!

"Gotta Code 'em All" uses a C++ like environment to introduce users to functions, variables and integers as they make changes to a Pokemon-like battle system! Then you run the program in a virtual iPhone!

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