
Monopoly Craziness!

Today, 34 teens attended the library Monopoly tournament. This was our first teen event since I've been back and it was wild! It totally burned me out...and I wasn't even playing!!

We started out with six games of five or six people. It was really loud! The winners of those games were: Conor, Kara, Shakira, Lamar, Sena, and Sophia. They went on to a final game. The winner of that game was Sophia, followed closely by Kara and Sena. The three winners got Parker Brothers games and all six finalists got candy bars. Thanks to everyone who attended. We'll do it again sometime, but maybe a bit differently! And with food!

For those of you who miss Giselle, you really missed out today because she surprised us by showing up to hang out at the tournament!

Check out the event pix below...


Marissa said...

how come there are no Giselle picture?

Gretchen said...

i can't believe it, but i forgot to get out the camera while she was there. i took most of the pix at the beginning and end of the event...that's why she's not in them. :(