
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gaming Club

Thai has been asking us for a Yu-Gi-Oh! event for ages. So, finally the librarians told him that he should write a proposal. The proposal was amazing, so we decided to create the gaming club as a summer activity. It meets every Friday from 4:00-5:30 and currently has about 30 members. Gretchen is technically the librarian in charge, but Thai is the instructor. He teaches new card combinations, strategies, and tournament rules. We are planning a mini-tournament at the end of the summer for the participants. If the summer schedule is successful, we will continue the club into the school year and possibly mount some real tornaments.

If you would like to join the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gaming Club, please contact Sellers Library at 610-789-4440. You must have a signed permission slip on file with the library before participating.


jenny said...

Wow!! you guys have some really great ways to keep kids involved with the library. Keep up the good work!!

Franny Ward said...

Ok, do you have Islands of the Blue Dolphins? I loved that book as a kid..