
May the 4th Be With You!

May the 4th, also known as Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) landed on a Wednesday this year, and Wednesdays tend to be our teen programming days. So of course we had to celebrate. We had 11 teens show up to do some trivia using Kahoot and make some lightsabers out of pool noodles and duct tape. We had a hyperspace challenge where you had to make a paper airplane and fly it through three hula hoops suspended from the ceiling (there are some really good paper airplane makers out there, and they are definitely not me). We had a target game where you had to fire a torpedo (or actually a nerf dart gun) at the small exhaust port in the Death Star (which I apparently made a bit too difficult! Sorry!) Of course the John Williams soundtrack accompanied the event! Thank to everyone that came out and gave me a reason to geek out about Star Wars in the library!

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