Last Wednesday we had 10 teens show up to play gaming consoles from long ago! There was an Atari, NES, SNES and an N64 each with a couple of multiplayer games to choose from! The Nintendo 64 proved to be the most popular, which makes sense since it allowed for 4-player gaming. Bomberman 64 and Mario Kart 64 were big hits (a couple people asked me if I had the N64 Smash Bros, but sadly I sold it when Smash Bros, Melee came out, d'oh!).
I'm looking forward to doing another Retro Game Day real soon, and hopefully we'll add some new elements to it. Maybe add Super Mario Maker to the lineup? Bring in a Raspberry Pi with retro games on it? Or maybe do some kind of retro game tournament. Retro gaming opens up a lot of different possibilities, and the teens know that fun games transcend time!