Last Friday we had 18 Pokemon fans show up to enjoy all things Pokemon! 16 teens signed up for the DS tournament, where anyone with Black/White/Black 2 or White 2 could compete to be the Pokemon champion in a doubles tournament! This was my first time hosting a Pokemon tournament, and I didn't plan on how long each round could last! I ended up having to cut down the number of preliminary matches, as well as the number of people participating in the final single elimination rounds. In the end, David took home first and John second, and Devin got third place. My favorite part of the tournament would have to be the good sportsmanship between trainers; after each match, I frequently saw people shake hands on a good game! In addition to the tournament, we had the Pokemon Black and White movie playing on a projector screen, Pokemon Battle Revolution for Wii, and an N64 with Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Stadium. I also invited people to design their own Pokeballs, and one winner would be randomly chosen to win a Zekrom Deluxe figure, which went to Elijah. I invited people to come dressed in costume, and two people were brave enough to dress up! Abbey came dressed as Jolteon, and Mary came as Gardevoir! Both were awesome, and we voted to see which would win the Pikachu plush I was giving away for best costume. They tied, and we had to decided on a coin toss, which Mary won! I dressed up as well, choosing to go as Professor Oak! Thanks to everyone that came out, I had a great time and look forward to doing it again, perhaps in October when the new game comes out!

The Pokemon tournament!
Jolteon and Gardevoir!
some of the Pokeball entries!
My Professor Oak costume
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